Poster for a theatre play SCRAPLAND, written by Hannah Bisewski and directed by Peter Petkovsek. Scrapland is an exploration of the politics of space through installation, performance, and design elements. Audience members will have the opportunity to explore a vast, darkened space as the story of a family trying to survive an apocalyptic class war unfolds around them.
3 June - 5 June 2016, Wintercheck factory, New York

Poster for DPU (Delavsko punkerska univerza) lecture series "Financialization", 2013.

" 12 million Africans were shipped as slaves to Latin America to work on plantations"
Poster for exhibition America Latina, “A new world”, presented on the Graphic Design Month of Échirolles from November 17th 2012 to January 31st 2013.

Poster for a theatre play The Weird Tree, presented as a part of the New York International Fringe Festival. A Man climbs a tree to win a Princess. Instead he finds eighteen. Based on a Slovenian Fairy Tale, The Weird Tree is a spiritual journey where making sense of the world means diving deep into the subconscious and figuring out the Self first. The Weird Tree was originally produced at the Studio Theatre at Columbia University in 2013.